We examine the validity of Phalacrocorax [Stictocarbo] kenyoni, which was described by Siegel-Causey (1991) from the Aleutian Islands using midden remains and existing skeletal specimens. We emphasize a morphometric evaluation of the taxon using 224 skeletal specimens of North Pacific cormorants, but we also evaluate the qualitative characters originally used to characterize P. kenyoni. Principal components and discriminant function analyses of 14 skeletal characters failed to support the validity of the species. Similarly, all seven of the character states that Seigel-Causey described as unique to P. kenyoni also were found in P. pelagicus and P. urile. Thus, the three type specimens of P. kenyoni appear to be P. pelagicus. Although we could not confirm the validity of P. kenyoni, our morphometric analyses revealed that P. pelagicus individuals from the central Aleutians are smaller than those from surrounding populations.